Barbara Strozzilaan 1011083 HN Amsterdam
Nederland+31 10 307
Elisabeth has been drawn to computers and the mechanics behind them since she was a child. Her educational background is vast and varied, with mechanics as the circle point. It can therefore come as a surprise that Elisabeth spent two years studying to be a teacher, with majors in English, History and Religion. But as many others in Kruso, Elisabeth couldn´t keep herself from the dream of getting a degree in Computer Science.
I do my best to be a fast learner, and I have a passion for writing simple, readable code.
My speciality is as a Umbraco backend developer, where I get the opportunity to learn something new every day. In addition, I believe that a team that reflects a good environment, with good team spirit and success, is an essential thing in my work life and my workplace. If we move away from the workplace, I love spending time diving into movies and playing the world where I will always prefer an exciting and exciting villain over the hero. Despite this attitude, I try to aim for a joyful, exploratory and family-oriented life.