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Cookie Information

Cookie Information makes it easy to manage and collect user consent for cookies and other tracking technologies. The platform enables compliant data collection across your websites and apps in accordance with the Cookie Law and GDPR.

Gain Full Visibility and Control Over Your Cookies Public institutions and private companies need insight into how their digital services are used to continuously improve them — and that requires reliable tools for data collection, measurement, and analysis. Cookie Information provides a complete overview of all cookies, pixels, and tags on your website, categorized by type and purpose. The platform puts you in control of when and how these technologies are activated, based on the user’s preferences.

Ensure Transparency in Your Data Collection With Cookie Information’s consent banner, you can easily obtain the necessary consent for all your tools. The banner informs users about the services you use and the data they collect, ensuring that nothing is activated without the user’s explicit consent.

Prevent Data Gaps with Google Consent Mode v2 Cookie Information is fully integrated with Consent Mode v2, allowing you to collect anonymized and aggregated data — essential for measuring performance, ad personalization, and remarketing through Google Ads.