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A complex micro service based G2B selfservice platform for waste management.

DPA-System is an independent, non-profit organization which is responsible for managing producer responsibility for the electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators and end-of-life vehicles under the Environmental Protection Act.

The national producer responsibility register

”Producer responsibility” means that the one, who wishes to manufacture or sell certain products, is responsible for the product for its entire lifetime. The solution for this is facilitated via the national producer responsibility register in Denmark. Thus, this register can be seen as central for the continuous compliance with the European environmental law on producer responsibility when importing and manufacturing products. Furthermore, the register assures that Denmark takes the lead in the new global sustainable and circular resource economy.

New digitalization partner for DPA

By the turn of 2018/2019, Kruso became the new digitalization partner for DPA. The central purpose of the collaboration was to create a complete modernization- and new development project of the national “producer responsibility register”. As part of the collaboration, we took over the responsibility of the operation- and support of the existing system, developed in 2005-2017. After relaunching the system in primo 2020, the collaboration has focused on operating and developing the new system in compliance with continuously new legal- and business-wise demands.

Focus on agile software development

We initiated the project with a clarification phase, which defined the present system, the surrounding technological landscape and the business-wise demands. This first phase helped us formulate a new technical vision and system architecture along with a design specification for the user experience. The vision, architecture and design specification became the foundation for an agile development- and launch plan based on an MVP priority model. In the first quarter of 2020, we launched a first version of the new producer responsibility register. Subsequently, the continuously defined functions are launched after an agile migration plan. The operation of the old system is phased out on an ongoing basis, as the individual functions are implemented in the new system as new microservices. In our continuous collaboration with DPA, we organize our work based on agile methods recognized by the industry, with a dedicated team organized around 14-day sprints.

New development framework

The most central thing for DPA’s new architecture is a development framework based on an open microservice- and API-based approach to data in .Net Core. The system contains many different but pretty uniform self-service modules. Therefore we continuously develop reusable components that can make up for future self-service elements. This component-based way of thinking asserts itself in both the frontend- and backend development. It makes it possible to accelerate the further development of the system. In the backend development, we focus on reusable ‘microservices’, making it possible to work on and replace the individual subcomponents with the least likely disturbing influence on the rest of the system. In the frontend development, we focus on creating a consistent user experience, making the solution intuitively simple.

Further operational support of DPA system

DPA now has a fully modernized producer responsibility register that, to a greater extent, simplifies, streamlines and automates workflows. This solution secures a more stable operation and gives more increased flexibility in relation to further development. Kruso still works as DPA’s strategic sparring partner concerning optimized operation, stability, scalability and further development and provides continuous operational support on the system.

The producer responsibility register is built as a service-oriented architecture. This architecture supports the fact that the different services, which the system's functions and flows are built upon, can be handled via integrated systems.

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