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DS Smith.

An advanced e-commerce solution based on Optimizely commerce with SAP-integration.

DS Smith is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers in reusable customer-specific packaging for consumer goods. DS Smith uses a business strategy that allows them to be present both on a global – and local level.


New technical functions and tools make whole new demands for the organizations’ websites and commerce solutions. DS Smith approached Kruso with a fully developed design but needed a string technical partner in developing their Optimizely commerce solution.


We developed a full blown B2B e-commerce solution, that has increased online sales significantly. Additionally DS Smith experienced that their new e- commerce solution supported the communication of the company’s identity from a visual perspective, and not only focus on sales.


A strong commerce solution that provides strong editing tools for developing content on the site that can be used together with the actual commerce platform. With the new webshop DS Smith has gotten a new, effective and functional e-commerce platform, that can strengthen the size of the company, and contribute to reaching the company’s future goals in sales.

Kruso has not only created a solution that can increase our turnover in e-commerce, but also a solution that provides a modern and time current user experience across desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

- Jan Nielsen, Head of Sales Development, DS Smith

Meet the team behind the solution