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Kruso has created a municipally sustainable community that creates a common software to achieve the best digital experience for citizens.

The Aarhus-based company Duka has since 2011 helped over 30.000 users through IT-support, computer assistance, and innovative IT-service schemes. Duka’s underlying idea is that a computer must be easy to buy, own, and not least - to use. Everything is about selling computers which are delivered completely ready to use - out of the box. 

A new digital partner for Duka

Duka’s current digital commerce platform was launched in 2019 by another partner than Kruso. The former solution is, like our new solution, built on Umbraco/Ucommerce. However, quickly after launch, Duka experienced that the backend built was not aligned with editors and the E-commerce manager’s daily workflows. For example, a number of primary commerce functions were developed in the CMS instead of in Ucommerce, not fulfilling Ucommerce’s full potential. At the same time, Duka faced a larger expansion into new markets, which resulted in a lot of new demands and needs for the solution. Based on that, Duka decided to find a new digital partner that could work more agile and had experiences with effective scaling and continuous data-driven optimization of digital platforms. This resulted in Duka switching to Kruso in the summer of 2020.

Focus on a more flexible and modular code base

The process that Kruso has entered into with Duka can’t be boiled down to one track. A long backlog of change requests and optimizations has been built, which Kruso has completed and implemented. Our focus has been to achieve a more flexible and modular code base with as few amounts of refactoring as possible. Also, we are engaged in several activities around UX and optimization of the user journey, especially with a focus on subscriptions.

The first positive results

The new and simpler code base resulted in a significantly shorter time to market and lower cost when developing and deploying changes to the platform. Additionally, the platform was moved to a 100 % cloud-based solution in Azure. This ensured effective scaling and not least security-related benefits. The first UX concepts provided positive results based on positive user feedback. So, in 2020 Duka had a solution, with, amongst other things, a dynamic checkout flow. This means that the checkout flow is changed for the customers of Duka, depending on the product in the customer's basket. Duka has the opportunity to modulate this in Umbraco per product. This has ensured effective scaling and security benefits.

Digital ambitions

Throughout the process, Duka has shown great digital ambitions. This means that here in 2022, we will still act as a digital strategic partner for the company and work for a modernized platform with innovative functionalities.

Meet the team behind the solution