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North Denmark Region.

One consolidated digital multisite platform.

North Denmark Region consists of 11 municipalities and serves more than 580.000 citizens in northern Denmark. North Denmark Region offers vital public services within hospitals and healthcare. Additionally, they take care of a wide range of social development projects across the 11 municipalities.


In 2013 North Denmark Region teamed up with Kruso to build their new website. They wanted to create a comprehensive web portal offering a coherent digital service experience for all visitors. The new platform should replace a wide range of individual websites for the regions’ four hospitals, 17 healthcare institutions and many other smaller sites.


Kruso developed one consolidated digital multisite platform that maintains all relevant subsites in one solution. The system is built on Sitecore and is managed with a clear governance model that secures strong synergies between centralized and decentralized functionalities and workflows. The platform integrates to several of the regions IT systems.


North Denmark Region today has a solution that yields significant cost reductions, faster time to market and clearer brand consistency across the sites due to a strong governance model.

Contact us!

Do you have any questions on public solutions?

Get in touch with our managing director Anders Frey Birkmose.

+45 41 95 33 30

Meet the team behind the solution