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In conversation with commerce­tools.

Watch all the conversations between Brad Soo, Product Marketing Manager for commercetools and Niels Brinkø, CTO for Kruso, who walks you through different topics all concerning Headless commerce.

A universe of possibilities

Together with commercetools, we deliver scalable and flexible solutions for major international brands to help them on their explosive digital growth journeys. With API and Microservice based system architectures and clear strategic Headless principles, we create commerce solutions with infinite functionalities.

Watch Brad and Niels go in-depth with commercetools software, the most important trends in the market and how we can best implement it in our solutions below.

1. New Trends in the Market

2. Helping Organizations

3. Helping clients

4. Microservices

5. Covid-19

6. Recommend commercetools

7. Software Systems of the Past