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Full Stack Developer.
Krusader, Lviv.


  • Logical thinker
  • Researcher
  • Detail minded
  • Dancer

Nataliia really loves logical thinking and deep investigation from the early childhood. Questions like “Why that happens” and “How it can be solved” have been always interesting and motivating for her. Therefore, Nataliia explores the world in different ways: by travelling, reading psychology books, doing her PhD research, and working as a full stack developer here at Kruso where logical thinking and problem-solving skills are needed every day. She completely agrees with the famous Dan Brown quote: “Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.” and enthusiastically goes deeply into every problem to find the best solution.

Quality over quantity

I find the most creative and interesting part of the work process to be the middle part. At this time I already know all requirements and look forward to achieving the goal which seems to be very close. This is where I can do my magic, deep dive into development and perform my best. I always work very thoroughly and with the best quality because I enjoy the development process itself, and only the high-quality outcomes give me satisfaction.