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Full Stack Developer.
Krusader, Lviv.


  • Responsible
  • Curious
  • Quick learner
  • Movie lover

Vasyl is a quick learner, and even though his job at Kruso is his very first, he delivers like he has been in the software business for a long time. He has a natural talent for understanding how technologies work and sees how different functionalities and elements are connected. This is a huge advantage in his job as full stack developer to oversee the whole process.

I always try to learn something new

I love to explore the movie universe with both the classics and newcomers. I cannot choose just one favorite, but I can narrow it down to three. One of them is Spider-Man in "Spider-Poem" because I was impressed by the style of animation and the way it maintains a very comic-like movement. The second is La La Land because of the way they use music to tell a story. My third and final favorite is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and for one reason only: cinema. Every frame of the film is absolutely jaw-like, and it is just wonderful.