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Frontend Developer.
Krusader, Gothenburg.


  • Creative
  • Open minded
  • Curious to learn

When Jonny was little, he dreamed of singing and dancing like Michael Jackson. Dance was put aside, but not music, which he is educated in. He still loves making music to this day, alongside his other hobbies; game development and 3D modelling. Jonny is a self-taught programmer. He spent his spare time studying it because he was fascinated by what one could create. It is essential and creates freedom for him to be creative.

Be humble and curious!

I'm a curious creature by nature. It's great to dive into new things and go into the unknown with an open mind - that's one of my strengths. I love being challenged. As a frontend developer, it's a constant flow of learning and adapting, and that's the charm of my work. You never stop learning. I strive to evolve not only as a programmer but also as a person. Communication and respect are key to doing your job well when working in a team. I've come a long way because of my will to keep learning.